Jodie Henry 9th September 2008

Tony Hall Eulogy -Amid the grief so many feel at the tragic loss, we take comfort that today so many have come together from so many parts of the world to celebrate Tony’s life and that we have gathered here in the area of Tony’s home that he shared with his wife, Jo. -I want to talk about Jo, I can honestly say she is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I remember when Tony first had to use a walking stick, to this day Lorenzo and I still can’t understand how the size of us couldn’t lift Tony - yet Jo could! Tony used to say it was all in the technique! -Since diagnosis, Tony deteriorated yet Jo seemed to get stronger with everyday. Fundamentally if Tony didn’t have Jo’s support he would have had a much worse quality of life. In Tony’s darkest days, Jo was always there for him. This was capped by them getting married, a very happy and emotional day for us all. Jo was truly his angel. -Jo’s family has also been fantastic. -Jo, you will always be our sister. -Tony leaves behind his gorgeous daughters Nicola and Ashleigh who will miss their father now and more as they grow and have their own families. They are another beautiful memory of Tony. - Tony was a committed and loyal career man with 2 large organisations for over 30 years of work. Tony developed into the UK Compliance Manager with DHL. It is important to mention this because Tony worked with DHL for nearly 11 years and up to a couple weeks before he passed away, amazing determination on his part and a tribute to all at DHL who assisted him to continue working. -To me, Tony was cool. He had two Ford Cortina’s, both had brown exteriors and brown interiors – with the biggest stereo! -He knew everything! Not as a know all, he just knew! - When I was about 10 and I used to see Tony smoking everyday. So one day I decided to steal Tony’s cigarettes. I went to my Mum and asked for the matches so that Dad could light the pilot to get hot water to have a bath (yeah, a long time ago I know). I then proceeded to go to the living room and open the front room window and smoke the cigarette. My Mum then walked into the living room and caught me! Wow, I will never forget that event, it certainly made sure I never smoked again. I tell you this story to demonstrate how much I looked up to Tony. -I remember going to watch Tony play in a football cup final which he won, he was a good centre back. Tony loved his sports, skiing, football, badminton, golf and ten pin bowling. Everyone knows how competitive he was. -I was so proud when Tony and Lorenzo came to watch me play football for Millwall – some fans were giving me grief, Lorenzo wanted to fight them all. Tony simply said “they are paying Ansell to play football, so who is having the last laugh”. Tony managed to keep Lorenzo calm. - Tony insured my first car under his name. He showed me how to change the wheel if I got a puncture. I remember Tony as a Father figure. I can’t say anything better than that. -When Gillian, Lorenzo and I lost our mum, Tony was our colossus organising the funeral and our mum’s estate with our Uncle Fitzy’s support. -Tony always enjoyed his times with Calvin who was like his best friend and brother. They have very similar attributes. -One of the treasured things Tony did in the last few years was travel to Grenada for our cousin Eshe’s wedding. He treasured spending the time with family particularly with his father Colin. -Lorenzo, Gillian, Calvin, Stephanie, Elaine and I will always miss our brother Tony, we all shared a lovely relationship with him. -Tony was a kind and generous man with an outgoing personality. Whilst we are very sad he is no longer here, we are very fortunate to have known Tony and for this wonderful person to have touched all our lives in so many ways. RIP Tony, Love Always your brother Ansell, Jodie and Zack x x x x x